'Be safe with REAL X2'

Real X2 has made life more convenient for all leisure sports people.

DNF-K is a company that constantly challenges to achieve the dream of making products that are loved by all leisure sports players.

We consider the user's needs as a top priority from the user's point of view. 

Basically, what users want is to be the most faithful to the basics. 

We've worked so hard to manufacture the products we want at the right time. 

We've taken a step further from Real X2 to Real X2 Plus.

DNF-K continually asked questions about what might be reasonable. And we suggest a solution to that.

Countless users constantly have prepared for a better life.

DNF-K starts with the obvious thing that you think is necessary but not necessary. 

We want to make each consumer's better value and would like to accompany together with you.

It seems to you that leisure begins with a challenge that goes beyond the limits allowed.

It is also a challenge to your limits ans a starting  point of finding the new you.

It's not that simple to go beyond the limits.

The beginning of something new always begins with the Frontier spirit.

To go beyond the limit can require a great deal of cost and you'll have to overcome a big challenge.

Finally when you achieve it, you'll feel a cathartic you'll never imagine.

That's what REAL X2 is about.

To you who love Leisure sport


REAL X2 is not a walkie-talkie headset allowed to anyone.

It's a walkie-talkie for those who have manners that put the safety of others first.

Start an amazing experience you've never experienced in sports such as leisure,

hiking and fishing with REAL X2
